Joe Fischer is a longtime member of the ECFSC, representing the Federation in numerous Statewide organizations. He is the Chairman of the Youth Lifetime License program and in 2012, he was inducted into the NYS Outdoor Hall of Fame.

Your Vote Counts!
We are now coming up on the most important time of the year and I consider it as the one opportunity to make a difference, election time. Unfortunately this opportunity to vote by sportsmen and the general public is not taken advantage of. With all the early voting...

Time marches on…
Fall is here, the Erie County Fair is over and the Erie County Federation of Sportsmen (ECFSC) is looking forward to National Hunting and Fishing Day which is September 28th this year. The ECFSC will once again be hosting the general public at the Elma Conservation...

Fair Days Ahead
Well summer is here and the Erie County Fair is just around the corner. The Erie County Federation of Sportsmen (ECFS) along with many of its member clubs will be working booths in the Conservation Building at the fair so be sure to stop in and say hello. The ECFS...

TMTF – few fish, lots of fun.
The Erie County Federation of Sportsmen (ECFS) recently had their first fishing clinic of the season at the Tifft Nature Preserve in Buffalo. It was attended by over 100 children on a sunny day in early June. After the children were registered, they went through a...

Power in Membership
If you’re a sportsperson who is into hunting, fishing, trapping etc., in Erie County or any other county in New York State I urge you to consider joining one of the many sportsmen’s clubs in your area. If you are a member of one of the sportsman’s clubs and the club...

Fishing with Mike Elam
Last summer I got invited by Mike Elam, a fellow fish committee member of the New York State Conservation Council (NYSCC) to go fishing. We would be fishing on Lake Alice, a small lake created by the dam of the Oak Orchard Creek at Watersport New York. Mike lives in a...

World Class Fishing in WNY
Do you realize that we live in an area that is the best, most diverse freshwater fishery in United States? Within 100 miles of Buffalo you can find superb Crappie fishing on Chautauqua lake. You can then hop in your car and drive up to Lake Ontario or the lower...

Eyes on 2024 Fishing Clinics
It is now 2024 and I would like to tell our readers with young children why they should put attending one the Erie County Federation of Sportsmen’s (ECFSC) annual fishing clinics at Tifft Nature preserve and Chestnut Ridge Park in June. ECFSC members also assist at...

2023 ends with many accomplishments
We have come to the end of 2023 and the Erie County Federation of Sportsmen (ECFSC) has accomplished a lot!! We finished off the year by awarding 12 lifetime sportsmen licenses to Erie County children. They can choose between hunting, fishing, trapping etc. The...

Another birthday doesn’t diminish my resolve
Since my last article I had another birthday, and I really am a old man now as all the trees on my street are younger than me. I believe the street also is younger than me!! Being old I tend to worry a lot. I worry about the sportsmen in our state as their rights are...