Your Vote Counts!

Your Vote Counts!

We are now coming up on the most important time of the year and I consider it as the one opportunity to make a difference, election time. Unfortunately this opportunity to vote by sportsmen and the general public is not taken advantage of.

With all the early voting opportunities there is no excuse for not voting! I am tired of the excuse like” my vote wont make a difference”. Quite often These non voters are the first ones to complain about their elected officials. Voter turnout in many of our region 9 counties is usually quite low, hopefully this wont be the case during a presidential election year. Sportsmen in particular must vote, if every legal gun owner in the state would vote it would send a powerful message to our politicians who I think tend to overlook the millions of sportsmen in New York State.

The first thing I ask a sportsperson when they complain about certain politicians is  “did you vote”, if the answer is no the discussion ends right there. So the bottom line is get out and vote, take your family along let them see the process and become familiar with it. It the only thing we have that will make a difference!!

Joseph Fischer
ECFSC Vice President
Voting Inspector – Cheektowaga


Time marches on…

Time marches on…

Fall is here, the Erie County Fair is over and the Erie County Federation of Sportsmen (ECFSC) is looking forward to National Hunting and Fishing Day which is September 28th this year.  The ECFSC will once again be hosting the general public at the Elma Conservation Club located at 600 Creek Rd. in Elma NY – starting at 10 AM and finishing at approximately 4 PM.

This is a great event to bring children to as there will be many opportunities for children to participate.  They will be able to shoot a crossbow, fire a rifle and shotgun, fish in a pond (last year’s fishing was so good the children did not want to quit at 4 PM), learn about trapping, etc.

 The New York State of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) will be there and will answer all questions regarding fishing, hunting and trapping.  Fishing pole combinations will be given away as prizes.  The GRAND PRIZE will be one lifetime license for a child who resides in Erie County.

Free food and beverages will be provided.


Fair Days Ahead

Fair Days Ahead

Well summer is here and the Erie County Fair is just around the corner. The Erie County Federation of Sportsmen (ECFS) along with many of its member clubs will be working booths in the Conservation Building at the fair so be sure to stop in and say hello. The ECFS booth will once again be giving away 2 rod/reel combinations daily and you will also be able to get information on the ECFS lifetime license program for children of Erie County . The ECFS has given away about 40 of these in the last few years at an estimated value of 500 dollars each!

Don’t miss a stop at the onsite aquarium which contains examples of almost all the warm and cold-water species of fish in our local waters along with a large snapping turtle. For more information on the ECFS and its approximate membership of 40 sportsmen clubs go on line to the ECFS website which has been greatly improved by our webmaster Joe McAdams.

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) will also be present to answer any questions you may have on all things regarding hunting, fishing, trapping etc. in Erie County and New York State. They can also give you information on some of the newer species to the area like the Fisher cat.

There will also be a booth for several days with “Stella”, an approximately 120 pound mounted Sturgeon with a lot of information on the rebounding Sturgeon population in Lake Erie which is primarily due to the much improved water quality of Lake Erie. In fact, the sturgeon population has rebounded so well that a fishing season for them might be implemented in the future. Stop at this booth ,you  or your child might be able to get a picture with “Stella”!! Check the building’s schedule to see when the sturgeon will be on exhibit.

Hands on exhibits for the children will also be highlighted with worm harness  and fly tying etc. This building has greatly improved its hands on displays for children. The Erie County Trappers also have a hands-on display. Supervisor Frank Miskey has worked hard on improving all the displays in this building and it should not be considered as a “walk through” with no stops  building. See you there!

TMTF – few fish, lots of fun.

TMTF – few fish, lots of fun.

The Erie County Federation of Sportsmen (ECFS) recently had their first fishing clinic of the season at the Tifft Nature Preserve in Buffalo. It was attended by over 100 children on a sunny day in early June.

After the children were registered, they went through a number of learning stations which included knot tying, casting, where to fish, fish identification, rubber and plastic baits, etc. This was required before they would receive equipment and bait for fishing. This part of the clinic was improved from previous years with the addition of the artificial baits which was manned by Mike Elam who drove in from Orleans County to participate!

Incidentally most of these learning stations were manned by members of the New York State Outdoorsman Hall of Fame and our own Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC).

After completing the learning stations the children were given bait and fishing equipment and proceeded to fish for several hours at the preserve. Volunteers from the ECFS patrolled the shore to assist where needed with problems like snags, malfunctioning equipment, handling hooked fish etc. A good time was had by all with the only problem being that the fish weren’t cooperating with very few bites and fish being caught.  As I told one of the children “fishing isn’t always about catching as many times, no matter what you do, the fish don’t bite’

If you missed this event another will be held in 2 weeks (June 22}at Chestnut Ridge Park but I do believe we are close to closing the allowable entries for this annual clinic, check on the ECFS website for info on this! These are well organized events with great learning stations which have come a long way in the last few years due to the skills of chairman Bob Avery. He does a great job and I admire his skill as I have trouble organizing my tackle box!

                                                                                                                                   Joseph Fischer

Power in Membership

Power in Membership

If you’re a sportsperson who is into hunting, fishing, trapping etc., in Erie County or any other county in New York State I urge you to consider joining one of the many sportsmen’s clubs in your area. If you are a member of one of the sportsman’s clubs and the club is not a member of the local county federation such as the Erie County Federation of Sportsmen (ECFSC) please consider joining one of these county federations. The information about joining is readily available on our local ECFSC website. There are currently about 40 clubs in the ECFSC and I know there are many other clubs in Erie County who should consider joining as we once had over 50 members!

The ECFSC meets 1/month at various clubs throughout Erie County such as Bison City Rod and Gun, Springville Rod and Gun, The Niagara River Station etc. These meetings are very informative and discuss all local and statewide sportsmen issues.

(Click HERE and check out the calendar of events for meeting information. Meeting date, time. location and directions are listed in the calendar.)

They do not have a meeting in August because of the Erie County fair as many clubs participate at the Erie County Fair in the Conservation building. Be sure to stop in this building during the fair, most everything is free such as the daily raffle of 2 free fish pole reel combos given to children of Erie County residents and information on the ECFSC annual lifetime license program for children of Erie Country Residents.

If your club joins the ECFSC their delegates can attend our monthly meetings and be made aware of all the anti-sportsmen and anti-gun legislation that is continually being proposed in New York and what to do about it. You will also learn about the many ECFSC programs like the children’s fishing clinics and our pheasant stocking program. We also donate money to support the high schools trap shooting leagues, sending children to summer camps and giving scholarships to children who reside in Erie County

As a member of the ECFSC you or your club can propose a regulation change regarding hunting, fishing, trapping etc. at one of the ECFSC meetings. The ECFSC can consider this proposal and submit it as a resolution to its members for consideration and a vote at a future meeting. If it is passed it will then be submitted to the New York State Conservation Council (NYSCC) as a resolution for a vote at their annual Convention in the fall. If it is passed it will go to the legislative vice president of the council who will lobby in Albany with the NYSDEC for a regulation change or if a new law is required, the state legislature. This is the  way you, as an individual ,can accomplish a regulation or law change!! Good examples of how this has been successful are Sunday hunting, big game rifle hunting in southern tier counties, and of course legalization and use of the crossbow. They all started as resolutions from the NYSCC!

Joe Fischer


Fishing with Mike Elam

Fishing with Mike Elam

Last summer I got invited by Mike Elam, a fellow fish committee member of the New York State Conservation Council (NYSCC) to go fishing. We would be fishing on Lake Alice, a small lake created by the dam of the Oak Orchard Creek at Watersport New York. Mike lives in a home on the lake so we would be literally fishing out of his front yard!

As I parked in Mike’s driveway, I noticed that he had 2 Aluminum fishing boats ready to go. Now here’s where the story gets interesting. He has an attached garage so when I went into the garage, I was immediately surrounded by probably 100 fishing poles of all types. I thought I had a lot of equipment but this was a mini fishing store.  I was invited into the house and noticed that every window ledge was full of old fishing reels, Garcia Mitchell’s, Pflueger’s, Shakespeare’s etc. The living room had beautiful fish mounts of cold and warm water species, salmon, trout walleye etc. Old Fishing lures were also placed or hung in various places throughout the living and dining room. The real treat was going into the bathroom which had posters advertising Brooks Reefers, Lazy Ike’s etc. on the walls. The toilet paper dispenser was actually a level wind reel!! I was told that that Mikes real mother lode of fishing equipment was located in the cellar. I found out that Mike was the son of one of the owners of the original Hatch and Elam boat livery on Oak Orchard Creek and he really was born surrounded by fishing equipment.

I consider myself a decent fisherman, but Mike out fished me that day catching 3 fish to my one. He is an expert using jigs and catches all species of fish with them from bluegills to large Northern Pike, walleyes and steelhead. I now call him a “jigmaster”. He recently caught a Northern Pike over 40” while fishing for perch. By the way he considers Northern Pike excellent table fare.  Mike takes people fishing all the time including many elderly people that he must help get in his boat. He also takes out a few children that are challenged. He has driven to several of our ECFSC fishing clinics and had a great rubber and plastic bait display as one of our learning stations. Come and say hello to him at one of our upcoming fishing clinics!!!

Joe Fischer