If you’re a sportsperson who is into hunting, fishing, trapping etc., in Erie County or any other county in New York State I urge you to consider joining one of the many sportsmen’s clubs in your area. If you are a member of one of the sportsman’s clubs and the club is not a member of the local county federation such as the Erie County Federation of Sportsmen (ECFSC) please consider joining one of these county federations. The information about joining is readily available on our local ECFSC website. There are currently about 40 clubs in the ECFSC and I know there are many other clubs in Erie County who should consider joining as we once had over 50 members!
The ECFSC meets 1/month at various clubs throughout Erie County such as Bison City Rod and Gun, Springville Rod and Gun, The Niagara River Station etc. These meetings are very informative and discuss all local and statewide sportsmen issues.
(Click HERE and check out the calendar of events for meeting information. Meeting date, time. location and directions are listed in the calendar.)
They do not have a meeting in August because of the Erie County fair as many clubs participate at the Erie County Fair in the Conservation building. Be sure to stop in this building during the fair, most everything is free such as the daily raffle of 2 free fish pole reel combos given to children of Erie County residents and information on the ECFSC annual lifetime license program for children of Erie Country Residents.
If your club joins the ECFSC their delegates can attend our monthly meetings and be made aware of all the anti-sportsmen and anti-gun legislation that is continually being proposed in New York and what to do about it. You will also learn about the many ECFSC programs like the children’s fishing clinics and our pheasant stocking program. We also donate money to support the high schools trap shooting leagues, sending children to summer camps and giving scholarships to children who reside in Erie County
As a member of the ECFSC you or your club can propose a regulation change regarding hunting, fishing, trapping etc. at one of the ECFSC meetings. The ECFSC can consider this proposal and submit it as a resolution to its members for consideration and a vote at a future meeting. If it is passed it will then be submitted to the New York State Conservation Council (NYSCC) as a resolution for a vote at their annual Convention in the fall. If it is passed it will go to the legislative vice president of the council who will lobby in Albany with the NYSDEC for a regulation change or if a new law is required, the state legislature. This is the way you, as an individual ,can accomplish a regulation or law change!! Good examples of how this has been successful are Sunday hunting, big game rifle hunting in southern tier counties, and of course legalization and use of the crossbow. They all started as resolutions from the NYSCC!
Joe Fischer