By Joseph Fischer

Posted on Sep 23, 2024

Your Vote Counts!

We are now coming up on the most important time of the year and I consider it as the one opportunity to make a difference, election time. Unfortunately this opportunity to vote by sportsmen and the general public is not taken advantage of.

With all the early voting opportunities there is no excuse for not voting! I am tired of the excuse like” my vote wont make a difference”. Quite often These non voters are the first ones to complain about their elected officials. Voter turnout in many of our region 9 counties is usually quite low, hopefully this wont be the case during a presidential election year. Sportsmen in particular must vote, if every legal gun owner in the state would vote it would send a powerful message to our politicians who I think tend to overlook the millions of sportsmen in New York State.

The first thing I ask a sportsperson when they complain about certain politicians is  “did you vote”, if the answer is no the discussion ends right there. So the bottom line is get out and vote, take your family along let them see the process and become familiar with it. It the only thing we have that will make a difference!!

Joseph Fischer
ECFSC Vice President
Voting Inspector – Cheektowaga


1 Comment
  1. Dave Barus

    Right on Joe. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with others.

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