by Dan Thomas | Jan 16, 2025 | Conservation News
Lake Superior Lake Trout Recovery – A Remarkable Journey
Two recent stories from 2024 declared that Lake Trout in Lake Superior are fully recovered
In this issue:
Underwater drones transforming data … 2
Lake Erie Walleye numbers are down …. 3
Chicagoland Fishing Expo tickets ……… 3
MI State of Great Lakes Report …………. 4
2025 Ontario fishing regs released …….. 4
Grants available to grow fishing comm … 4
2025 Black Lake sturgeon season …….. 5
Fall/winter egg-take efforts wrapping up . 5
All-night lights change behavior of fish … 6
Trout early catch & release season …….. 6
L Superior Fisheries Mgmt Outreach…… 7
Upcoming programs to expand skills ….. 7
Cleaner water could hurt some fish …….. 7 J
udge adds OH EPA as defendant …….. 8
Snowmobilers: Act now for season …….. 8
New brown trout strain stocked ………….. 9
Jan 20 Free Park Day in Minnesota ……. 9
MN DNR 200 paid summer internships .10
Fish hatcheries get $75 million …………..10
New boat wash station Geneva St Park 10
Sled Safe this season ………………………11
OutWiGo for Free Fishing Jan 18-19…..11
NE Wis Upcoming DNR Meetings ………11
Ag runoff damages water/kills wildlife,,,,12
Sea Lamprey spike after Covid…………13
by Joe McAdams | Dec 6, 2024 | Conservation News
DEC encourages beaver trappers to visit specific Wildlife Management Areas and a State Forest where beaver activity is causing damage to roads, trails, and other features during the upcoming trapping season which runs until April 7, 2025.
Beaver populations have grown significantly at these locations, making it more challenging to manage water levels on the ponds, marshes, and impoundments.
The Region 9 Bureau of Wildlife is asking trappers to consider beaver trapping on the following areas:
Allegany County:
- Keeney Swamp WMA – Town of Birdsall
- Hanging Bog WMA – Town of New Hudson
Cattaraugus County:
- Allegheny Reservoir WMA – Town of South Valley
- Birch Run Ponds WMA – Town of Allegany
- Harwood Lake MUA – Town of Farmersville
Chautauqua County:
- Boutwell Hill State Forest- Town of Cherry Creek
- Kabob WMA –Town of Stockton
- Watts Flats WMA – Town of Harmony
For more information about trapping opportunities at these locations, please contact: Land Management Biologist, Eric Maringer at 716-379-6367 or by email at
by Joe Fischer | Sep 23, 2024 | Inside Line
We are now coming up on the most important time of the year and I consider it as the one opportunity to make a difference, election time. Unfortunately this opportunity to vote by sportsmen and the general public is not taken advantage of.
With all the early voting opportunities there is no excuse for not voting! I am tired of the excuse like” my vote wont make a difference”. Quite often These non voters are the first ones to complain about their elected officials. Voter turnout in many of our region 9 counties is usually quite low, hopefully this wont be the case during a presidential election year. Sportsmen in particular must vote, if every legal gun owner in the state would vote it would send a powerful message to our politicians who I think tend to overlook the millions of sportsmen in New York State.
The first thing I ask a sportsperson when they complain about certain politicians is “did you vote”, if the answer is no the discussion ends right there. So the bottom line is get out and vote, take your family along let them see the process and become familiar with it. It the only thing we have that will make a difference!!
Joseph Fischer
ECFSC Vice President
Voting Inspector – Cheektowaga
by Carl Leas | Sep 20, 2024 | Laws and Legislation
My comments:
There is very little to update at this time.
Remember that the NYS Legislature (both the Assembly and the Senate) is in recess until January 2025 unless called back into session by the Governor due to an emergency. As this is an election year for all Assembly and Senate positions in NYS, any bill that has not passed both houses is dead and must begin the process again in January 2025. Only those bills that passed both houses can be sent to the Governor’s desk for her signature or veto. Those bills are reviewed in the June and July reports.
On a Federal level, remember that Congress takes its annual hiatus during August. Since returning to session after Labor Day, their big issue is to fund the Government.
So, little to see here.
Stay safe,
New York Assembly Bill 6821
Completed Legislative Action
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 2-0)
Action: 2024-08-28 – signed chap.229
Authorizes the commissioner of environmental conservation to enter into contracts for the lease or use of state lands for the purpose of maple tree tapping and sap production for a term of up to, but not to exceed, ten years.
by Joe Fischer | Sep 20, 2024 | Inside Line
Fall is here, the Erie County Fair is over and the Erie County Federation of Sportsmen (ECFSC) is looking forward to National Hunting and Fishing Day which is September 28th this year. The ECFSC will once again be hosting the general public at the Elma Conservation Club located at 600 Creek Rd. in Elma NY – starting at 10 AM and finishing at approximately 4 PM.
This is a great event to bring children to as there will be many opportunities for children to participate. They will be able to shoot a crossbow, fire a rifle and shotgun, fish in a pond (last year’s fishing was so good the children did not want to quit at 4 PM), learn about trapping, etc.
The New York State of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) will be there and will answer all questions regarding fishing, hunting and trapping. Fishing pole combinations will be given away as prizes. The GRAND PRIZE will be one lifetime license for a child who resides in Erie County.
Free food and beverages will be provided.