By Joseph Fischer

Posted on Apr 1, 2023
Teach Me To Fish Update

Spring is almost here and that means that the Erie County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs “Teach Me to Fish” committee is busy preparing for the 2023 fishing clinics.  They recently met with DEC Fish Biologist Mike Todd to review their clinics to see what can be done to improve the 2023 season.

The general concept will be the same with a registration table and requiring learning stations which the children will go to which can vary depending on volunteers’ availability.  They will have a punch card with the learning stations on it.  After completing a station, it will be punched, and they can move to the next station.  Be sure to turn in the fully punched card when you are finished as these will be used to draw prizes.  Upon turning in the completed punch card, participants can go fishing with their tackle.  The last station has bait and poles so they can fish.

Once again, our ECFSC/DEC sponsored clinics will be at Tifft Nature Preserve (June 10th) and Chestnut Ridge Park (June 24th).  The Erie County Federation also participates in other organizations’ fishing events.  Please visit the website and look at the EVENTS CALENDAR and the Teach Me To Fish page for more details

Joseph Fischer

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