BIG changes for sporting licenses
Beginning on August 1st 2024 NYS will issue licenses electronically and will not provide a printed tag. This is largely due to the decreased availability and increased cost of Valeron (tear proof) stock. License purchasers can either print their license on PLAIN PAPER at the issuer or print the license at home.
There are a few advantages to the licensee:
1. All of your license tags will fit on a standard size 8.5×11 paper (or 2 max).
2. No waiting for tags to arrive in the mail.
3. Eliminates the $15 lost license reissue fee.
There are also disadvantages:
1. Black on white is not easy to see.
2. Plain paper tears easily – especially when wet.
Check out the links on the DEC website:
DEC Announces Changes to Sporting License Fulfillment Beginning Aug. 1 – NYSDEC
plainpaperconversion.pdf (
Jeff Jondle – ECFSC President