
The Erie County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, Inc. is an all-volunteer charitable, non-profit organization that is dedicated to the promotion of fish and wildlife conservation, education of outdoor participants and related outdoor recreation.

This promotion is accomplished in several ways. We conduct or sponsor a variety of educational opportunities for young and old. Including, but not limited to:
• Sponsoring youths to conservation education camps.
• Scholarships for conservation related education.
• Instructor Workshops
• Sponsoring Outdoors Woman program candidates

We also sponsor many community service programs that include:
• Hunters Helping the Hungry
• Family Fishing Clinics
• National Hunting & Fishing Day hands-on event for youth.

Growing With the Community
We are actively involved with the community – acting as liaisons to state and local government agencies that affect our conservation laws and activities; attempting to improve the hunting and angling conditions for the sportsman – promoting the multiple use of our lands, forests and waters for recreational purposes for all the people.

We sponsor legislation, participate in fish stocking in Lake Erie and tributaries, inland lakes and streams of Erie County. We assist the Conservation Department in pheasant stocking – and we are involved in the 4H pheasant stocking program.